Elegant Satin Wedding Ring Pillow

List price: $24.99
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Price in points: 400 points
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8" White Satin Ring Pillow. This white satin ring pillow measures 8" and is adorned with a charming floral pattern. A white satin bow in the middle of the pillow's front side. White tassels are at all four corners of the pillow. Available in navy and gray silver.

Reasons our editors thought this product is worth recommendation

Product highlight #1:
-- elegance is a timeless design with white satin fabric
Product highlight #2:
-- A charming floral motif and matching tassel
Product highlight #3:
-- Measures 8"
Product highlight #4:
-- Fashionable and trendy wedding accessory
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much smaller than I expected (I didn't really pay attention to the size when I ordered it so that's on me) but still perfect.
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